Hello!!! Thank you so much for stopping by!

I am Hillary Hahn, the creator and founder of Miss Celery Stories, from Independence, Kentucky and currently residing in Cincinnati, Ohio.

A few years ago I took a short-term job at a preschool in Union, Kentucky as their music teacher. One of my students couldn’t say my name so she told her mama that she loved “Miss Celery”! I absolutely loved that and decided to use it for the name of this project!

I quickly realized that I had underestimated the students. There was no kid’s song that they didn’t already know! I was scrambling each day to find something fun to engage their little minds when one day I noticed that the 3-year-olds knew just about every single word to Frozen’s “Let It Go!” What!? That is not an easy song to sing, yet here they were, belting it out! After that I thought to myself, well… challenge accepted! So I started dabbling with writing kids songs! After all, I had two EP’s out of my own, how hard could it be?

Something in me just snapped at the thought of this undertaking and my creativity exploded! I started writing all kinds of silly little songs which always ended up having some kind of silly story to go along with it.

Everything was going great and then April of 2020 hit. Covid had arrived and all my various teaching and performing gigs were canceled until further notice. As a full-time gig-worker, I wasn’t eligible for very much pandemic aid and needed to think quickly and carefully about what I was going to do. I began exhausting myself by delivering groceries for Shipt and working as a Lyft driver when an idea hit me. Maybe I could write and release a book? So I jotted down the silliest story I could think of and got on YouTube to learn how to illustrate and within a few months, “On A Bethlehem Night” was ready for audiences.

Now, after two years, I am ELATED to see that story come to life ON STAGE at One Community Church in Monroe on 12/11/22 !

In addition to that show, my second original production is taking place at Indian Hill Elementary on 12/16/22. Those students will be performing my story called, “For You, I Would.” It’s a silly and heartwarming story about how far a mother and daughter would go to make amends!

In conclusion, it is an exciting season and there are so many new things coming in 2023! Not only will there be new shows to attend and books to buy, but we will also be expanding our gift shop into a booth that you can visit at local arts and crafts fairs this coming Spring!

Thank-you all so much for stopping by and please take your time and enjoy this vast website! I am so proud of how far Miss Celery Stories has come and can’t wait for 2023! If you feel so lead, I always appreciate when people share this project with a friend or two and follow my social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.

So much appreciation,
